If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Wednesday, April 25

Nothin but Fun

Summer arrived abruptly a few days ago and with it came games of ultimate frisbee, couples-dates, and an overall happy feeling.

I gave Joelle and I matching toes to celebrate the beginning of flip-flop weather!

When we go play frisbee (which is almost every weekend, and weeknights if students can get away from studying), Joelle comes and wraps everyone around her finger.

Edward, our favorite ultimate frisbee competitor, is smitten by her as well. 

On Easter, we went to dinner with WangWanHua and his family- DingDing (remember her?) and Joelle were a silly combination of feeding each other food and seeing who could babble the loudest. We had fun telling the Easter story, as well!

We are having so much fun getting to know our other American friends.  Joelle loves Arrianne, and walks around screaming "AiyyiAAN, AiyyAAAAN" if I tell her we're going to go see her.  I love the picture below, it looks like they actually might make it work!

 I'm still working away at making Joelle's summer wardrobe, and my Mom sent me a box full of fun-funky fabric!  Can't wait to try out some new patterns for my new fabrics.

Joelle's hair is finally long enough for a pony tail...

or pig tails (my favorite). 

Below: watching us play football:

Welcome, sunny days, welcome!

1 comment:

John and Christina said...

I swear, Joelle continues to just get cuter and cuter. I can't wait to see you all again!