If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Thursday, March 29

Little Summer Dress

We had an unusually warm day last week so I pulled out some summer clothes for Joelle to wear... and  I was struggling to get her cute little shorts and t-shirts on!  .... the SAME summer clothes that she wore a MONTH ago in Thailand. 

My sweet friend Emily sent me a care package a while ago- and it is the gift that keeps on giving.  I finally had the PERFECT project for some adorable fabric she sent me. With the fabric I made this:

I realized AFTER I started shooting photos that she was playing with my measuring tape, so I can't take credit for how appropriate the "prop" is.

I initially wanted to buy a pattern and tutorial online, but for $15 I can buy a dress already made that will probably hold up better in the dryer.
So I measured a dress that already fits her well and has room to grow, and looked carefully at how the collar and dress and hem were all put together.  I did not guess the right way to do somethings the first time... or the second.  But I eventually got it. sort of. 


Our iron is kaputz, so I used my hair-straightener to help get those pesky fold-overs to behave.  Saw that idea on addictingwebsite.com pintrest.com.  (Thanks a lot, Shanna)

Since this project, I got the sewing bug!  Here is a sneak peak at Joelle's Easter dress:

Business in the front, party in the back
pictures coming soon
only if it fits!


1 comment:

emily bennett said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! i'm dying! how precious is that dress! when i sent you that fabric, i just had no clue what you would use it for. table cloth? fancy napkins? a patchwork quilt?

nope. an adorable dress. PERFECT!!!!!!!! you did such a great job!!!!