She speaks great English and is also a Korean language student- she also 'joined our family' shortly after we met. It was so great to have her as our tour guide in Beijing and also to catch up on all our goings on.
This was Scott's 3rd time to visit the Great Wall, but his first time to see it after the Beijing Olympics. Tourism has turned Beijing upside down and inside out.... and when we finally arrived at the wall (after a 3 hour miserable bus ride- right Howard?) there were easily a thousand people already climbing the wall and just milling around. It looked like CHAOS! Scott said it was nothing like the times he had been before- Howard and Debbie opted to skip the madness and waited for us at the bottom.

Cousin It came with us...

A fun thing to think about: in this picture I'm 10 weeks pregnant- our baby has traveled so many places before even being born! By the way- my teachers were MORTIFIED that I climbed the great wall. I got several tongue lashings for doing something so strenuous.
Can you see the hundreds of people on the wall? They must make a killing from this!

Some parts of the wall were near impossible to climb. They have added railings for safety so we would either use them to pull ourselves up the steep stairs or use them to slow us down coming back down.
Howard still managing a smile after the three hour bus ride to get from Beijing city center to the Wall. :-) When we were finished being tourists, we had to get in a line to wait for the bus. The line had hundreds of people... it would have taken hours to wait in that line.
A woman was there with her own personal car sniffing out people like us who were willing to pay a little extra to get home sooner- we jumped on that offer quicker than Scott eats biscuits and gravy. Sa Dan had to ride on my lap the whole time but it was WORTH it!
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