If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Tuesday, July 6

Banana means HALF-WAY!

20 weeks pregnant!!
Here's some belly shots- although this flowery shirt is a cheat-shirt because it makes me look a lot more preggo than I really am....(and that's why I wear it all the time hee hee)This dog is going to be such a good friend to our little boy- I hope we can keep her for a long time!

What's funny to me, is when I look down I see a great big belly- but from every other perspective it's not so big. I always tell Scott "I know it doesn't look big from where you are standing, but come look at if from up here" haha

Things going on at 20 weeks....

-the funnest thing now is feeling him move! It's mostly in the morning and at night that I feel him boppin around, and sometimes I feel like he's pushing on me with all his might- even Scott can touch the belly and feel how hard it is where he's pushing, although he can't feel the kicks

-I have my energy back! I can cook and clean just as well- I think Scott is happy to have his wife back! The only thing is the back-ache or sore feet get me around 7:00 at night
-We have a few names in mind, but can't settle on the 'perfect' name. We have already chosen his middle name. "Parrish" was Scott's great-grandparents last name, and we're keeping the tradition of keeping it in the family. (Coincidentally, we also have our first girl's middle name picked out, as well. "Lea" from my mothers' maiden name that we are keeping in the family)

-I still can't believe it's a boy. I believed so much that it was a girl, I'm still in shock. But right before we had the ultrasound, we hung out with some other American friends that have two little boys. Watching them rough-house and hang all over their daddy made my eyes all misty and I said to Scott, "aww... I kind of hope it's a boy!"

-We found Colgate mouthwash at the local grocery store. I know that's not baby related, but the only time we ever get mouth wash is when we go to Thailand.... so it's worth posting!
Special thanks to....
My expat friends in Chengdu who lovingly lavished me with hand-me down summer maternity clothes- even two bathing suits! What would I do in this heat without these breezy tops?

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