If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Monday, February 7

All Dressed Up!

with  no place to go.  What a shame this dress can't be admired outside yet!

If I took Joelle out in this dress from GranGran, I'd be sentenced to death by a thousand Chinese grandmothers.  They tell me she's not wearing enough clothes even when I have stockings, fleece pants, long sleeve shirt, short sleeve shirt on top, fleece hoodie and a huge outfit that she sits in like it's a pillow case.  So, the only people enjoying this sweet outfit are Scott and me, in the safety of our nicely warmed apartment.  We've noticed: every one has heater units, NO ONE turns them on.  People walk around in heavy snow jackets in their home.  ???  To me, it's not worth the $20 a month they save on electricity.

Day 7 of Photo Fabulous February

I only have this one picture of her sweet little dress because after this shot, Joelle had a little melt down. Well, that's not true.  I do have more pictures, but she's crying.  And it's pretty darn sad.

Do I look like Captain Oblivious, or what?

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