If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Tuesday, April 26

2nd Degree Burn

Oh, don't act so surprised.  You all know how accident prone I am.

But, I'm warning you now, its pretty gross.

At least I got the burn "saving an old woman from a burning building".
No, I touched it to a hot muffler on a motorcycle.  Sheesh, that's not at all exciting. Here it is all bandaged up.
 Last chance not to look.

Turn back now.  Danger, Will Robinson!

 yikes!  Gross huh?  It's actually not as painful as it looks.  The pain was tremendous about 10 minutes after it happened... I think I went into acute shock right after it sizzled on the muffler, because I could barely feel a thing until I got off the motorcycle.  (I was on a motorcycle because that's my favorite kind of TAXI, here in Thailand. Well, not any more, it's not. But I digress.)
I jumped a little when I first touched it, but didn't think much of it.  Moments later I looked down at it and when I saw the melted skin, I thought oh that's gonna hurt. 

And it did.

But, there's pharmacy's all over the place in Thailand (with real medicine) so I zipped to one, showed them the burn and he said "Did you get this from motorcycle taxi? Muffler burn you skin?"

sigh. I'm one of THOSE foreigners.

Anyway, I know those pictures of melted skin are haunting you, so here.  Look at this:

ahhh that's better.


emily bennett said...

that's a cute bunny... lol. hilarious. you would post a bunny after burns.

sorry girl- that looks painful!!!

Kirsten Wingate (Wen Kai Ting) said...

Bummer, way to blow the glamor off my favorite Hechuan taxi too! looks painful...that's a lousy wake-up call! Sorry!

*I hear baby saliva serves as a fast-healing ointment, although, good luck getting any help from Joelle, that baby never drools! ha

Anders said...

Christine, You may be an adult and married and all..., but you are still not ALLOWED to get hurt.
Love, Dad