If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Wednesday, April 13

Secret Weapon

Joelle is a great ice-breaker.  When we go out without her, people may say hello to us if they can stop staring long enough. But we can make a hundred friends in the blink of an eye by pulling her out of the stroller. 

Oddly enough, we haven't had many problems with people holding her and loving on her.  We've heard some horror stories, but none with us, so far.  I remind little friends not to cough on her or put things in her mouth, and people are generally respectful when they ooh and aah, and at some point, move on.

Today we had to lay down the law a little- BUT, it was the first time every any one has really made us upset.
Joelle had just fallen asleep with a waitress brought her 2 year old up to the stroller to take a peek.  I said, "Oh, I'm sorry, she's asleep.  Let's play later!"
But she tore open the stroller hood (Joelle, of course, was startled by bright sunlight and opened her eyes) and the woman said, very loudly, "SHE'S NOT ASLEEP!" and then encouraged her little girl to poke and prod and kiss the white chubby cheeks.
I explained that the baby needed to sleep, so I closed the lid gently and tried to play with the little girl.

Another woman came up.
Opened the lid.
Asked "Can I take her out?"
I did a verrry Asian thing: dropped my head a little and said "I'm so embarrassed. No, she needs to sleep."

The waitress came back- her two-year old still wanted to play and tore open the stroller top.

I hadn't gotten upset until now, and could feel my pulse go up a little. 
Now Scott intervened and said "The baby was a little sick this morning, she can't sleep if you keep playing with her." and then moved the stroller away as a very OBVIOUS sign to back off. 

Wait, I've just remembered something. Hmmm, I may have lied to you.  I HAVE gotten more upset than this. oh how embarrassing.
I'll make a long story short and just say this:
A woman in a crowded supermarket railroaded me, and then shoved the stroller (with Joelle in it).  My reaction was to shove her back pray for her.

You know how people say that it doesn't feel good to react with revenge?  That's a lie. It felt good. Heehee

Wow, I digress.  This blog post is about how Joelle charms every one, wherever we go.  And then I, apparently, sabotage all efforts.

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