We put him on a doggy IV in hopes that with a little nourishment he could spring back and start eating again- he only got more and more lethargic and still refused food. He also developed a muscle spasm that baffled the vets. He was in pain- any time we tried to pick him up or pet him, he would growl or whine, although we couldn't tell where or what was hurting. It was so strange to see such a healthy, happy dog become so suddenly sick. He could jump on and off the couch with no problem and never refused to jump in your lap or play fetch- but suddenly he could barely stand and when he tried to walk he wobbled just a few steps.
It had been two weeks since he ate a full meal, and his muscle condition was getting worse; the vets told us there was no hope. We couldn't wait it out because he was slowly starving to death. Last night we decided the best thing to do was end his suffering. We said our good-byes, and Scott took him this morning to the vet to put him down.
It's strange that we had only had him for a few months, and yet the house feels so empty now. Everything reminds us of him and we catch ourselves starting to call for him, or ask where he is. Scott and I sat and looked back over all his puppy pictures and videos, reminiscing of his funny antics. How he managed to open his crate latch or try to hop into our bed at night, or when we would wake up and find him trying to dig a hole in our brand new couch. He would chase his tail and get every one laughing when he toppled over. Not that we will want another one now, but there isn't a sweeter, friendlier, or more obedient dog in the world.We will dearly miss our four legged friend, but we're glad he isn't in pain any more.
I'm sorry about Rocky. So sad.
So sorry about your little puppy! He was definitely sweet and cute and I know you'll miss him!
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