If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Friday, September 11

Sew Cute

Back in January we were in Thailand and I was scanning the 'Home-Making' section of an english book store. The quilting books were catching my attention, and Scott bought me one called "Very Easy Crazy Patch-Work Quilts".

It seemed fun and had easy to understand directions, so we bought some quilting materials and while I was recovering from my wisdom teeth surgery I began making big quilt patches in my hospital room.

At home, I worked bit by bit until I had 5 large squares- I was thinking this would be a very sweet blanket should a Little Hand come along, but then I found a pattern for a teddy bear in the back of the book- and I had just enough squares to make it work!

Here's a few photos I took of the process.

Having finished the first one, I wanted to try again, but with better craftsmenship. I decided not to make it 'crazy patchwork' but with regular squares. I made them quite small, so it's painstaking.... but very cute!Here's one side of the teddy's arm- I haven't finished it quite yet- maybe by next January I'll have two cute teddy bears!

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