If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Thursday, April 8


That's right, we're PREGNANT! (The pictures above are me at 4 weeks) The top picture Scott took after we got our blood test back and we were reassured that we really are pregnant! (although we really should have trusted the 10+ home pregnancy tests we took)

Here's our ultrasound: (my sweet friend Helen is my doctor)

According to how she measured me, I'm 7 weeks! I've been doing research almost daily on pregnancy, and I also learned what to expect at my doctors visits. Nothing I read prepared me for what would happen in a Chinese hospital. There's no receptionist, no way to make an appointment. You just show up and hope there aren't a hundred people in front of you. The hospital has one ultrasound machine, so the room is for men and women. There is no gown to change into- I had to unbutton my jeans and pull them down over my belly (while three strangers waiting for ultrasounds stood watching).

They don't take blood pressure, weigh you, or take a patient history. They don't screen for problems in pregnancy (high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, etc) and they zip through the ultrasound as quickly as possible.

While you are waiting for the ultrasound print out, the "waiting room" is the hall way where every one is smoking! I stuck my head out the window and kept asking men to go smoke somewhere else. (Would you believe that offends them?) the nerve!! But on the plus side, we have a personal relationship with the Doctor, so she put us ahead of 20 or 30 people waiting and then didn't let us pay for the doctor visit! haha!! I can't believe it, WE'RE FINALLY PREGNANT!


Emma Pope said...

YAY! I loved hearing your voice on the video. Miss you!

Anonymous said...

from baby center. Great news. :)

The Arnold Family said...

Great!!! Congratulations!

Lindsey said...

congrats guys!! so happy for you :)

emily bennett said...


rholland25 said...
