If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to Hell over our bodies. If they will perish, let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there unwarned and unprayed for. ~ Charles Haddon Spurgeon

Monday, November 22


Joelle, even the word "delight" can't describe what bubbles up in my heart when I look at you.

I have yet to capture a good photo with her eyes open- she is a sleepy girl!

1,2,3,4,5 perfect toesies

Her sweet little mouth! Can you see the tiny blister on her upper lip? She's my little piranha feeder.

I love her fist curled up under her chin

Can you see she's still covered in "languo"- it's soft, downy hair they grow in the womb and usually shed before they are born- but she came a couple weeks early so she's still sporting it. I also love the tiny milk mustache.

Her shirt says "little cupcake". This was one of the gazillion things that our sweet friend, Liz, passed down to Joelle. I call Liz our fairy godmother :-) She threw me a surprise shower and Scott and I hauled home a huge duffle bag full of goodies.

This shirt says....

"Daddy's All-star"!
Maybe Aunt Shanna can teach her softball one day... we'll have to get her a shirt that says "Aunt Shanna's All-Star"


Brooke said...

Joelle is soooooo adorable!!! I can't decide who she looks like! Sometimes I think Scott and other times I think Christine! So happy for you guys!

emily bennett said...

Fourth one down- I must have a copy. Can you send me the original in an email, I want to print it out at Target and frame it. And put it on the fridge. And put it in my wallet. And... oh, I guess I should leave something for my kids' pictures :)

Seriously, the most beautiful picture I've ever seen- please send me the original!!!!